woensdag 27 oktober 2010

One True Asshole.

I just saw The Social Network. Even though it's already on screen since october 1 in America, here it was even just an avant-première. To be honest, I hoped to learn more about how Facebook operates behind the scenes. Of course I haven't learned a thing. The whole movie was just one big dramashow. They even tried to make Zuckerberg look like a nice guy who just won't let people get close to him. Too bad I still see him as the asshole he is. People have internet, Zuckerberg, haven't you heard? When you make stupid remarks in an interview, the whole world will know. Nowadays they have Facebook to share those links. But you already knew that.

Luckily there was a very interesting guest speaker, Geert Conard. He had some interesting ideas on using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to build up credibility for your company. He said it was a fast lane to a more succesful business when used right.

I'll share his advice with all of you, just because I think everybody deserves to know. Plus I thought it was some really good advice.

First of all you should use the social networking sites as a way to prove your expertise. If you are serious about your job, you're probably keeping yourself up to date by reading blogs and news letters. Share that information with the world. Link trough. Show the world what you're interested in, and they'll start seeing you as an expert on the subject.
Secondly, you can make a seperate page for your company. Satisfied customers will probably hit the like button, which means all their friends will see you on that person's wall. Everybody loves free advertising.
A very good advice, which I must admit I haven't followed myself, is to put a recognisable picture of yourself on social networking sites. On Facebook it's less important, but on sites like LinkedIn it's very important. Again, it's an issue of credibility. I know I'll upload a nice picture on LinkedIn once I have my Macbook back.

And last but not least: Communicate. Network. Be the best person you can be, because everything on the internet lasts forever.

xoxo Juicy Geek

Source: http://www.slideshare.net/geertconard/premiere-event-the-social-network

zondag 24 oktober 2010

Hi there!

I know it's a really lame title, but hey, this is just an introduction, isn't it? Why try to think of a really good title, when there won't be anything really juicy just yet.

This blog will be for girls - and for girls only. Of course boys are allowed to read it - who am I to stop them - but it will be about pink phones and design furniture. Stuff like that. Last time I checked, boys still really hated those subjects. Especially the pink phones. I always start talking about them when I want to scare off boys. No, I'm kidding, but I'll talk about pink phones so don't be mad when that happens.

Maybe an introduction about me is in order as well. I am a student Communication and Multimedia Design at the Media & Design Academy in Genk, Belgium. Almost all my classmates are boys, that's why I want to start this blog. Girlgeeks are out there - I know it. So why are they hiding underneath rocks? Why do girlgeeks have to act manly to be taken seriously? When you carry around a pink phone or when you wear patterns and flowers, guys just don't believe in girls. ICT is one of my best courses, and still nobody will see me as an IT'er. Why? Because I wear flowered skirts and pink shirts.

This blog will help girlgeeks to find pink phones that are so good, nobody will laugh at it. They should start selling pink iPhones, that would be just perfect. It will bring you the funniest websites and the sites where you can buy that lovely skirt for a really low price. It will bring you the juicy part of geekdom.

I hope you'll like reading it.

Juicy Geek